Subnautica Below Zero Speedrun 2443 Any Survival Glitched


not a perfect run (3rd split for an example) but still gud • Category: Any% (Survival, Glitched) • Some exploits: • To highlight interactables, enable this option in the Accessibility section in the settings • Bind your M1 key to the scroll wheel to break rocks faster • Hold your sprint key to keep the crafting menu open • If there's anything around the base hatch/droppod door, like terrain or an item, the exit animation will be skiped • Some glitches: • Ion cube animation skip – 15:02 (Throw a flare and then immediately after pick up the cube) • Databox animation skip – 7:40 (If you open a databox and then pick up a seaglide, and you have a clear hotbar slot, you won't slow down) • Propulsion storage – 13:05 / 14:00 (Even if there are items inside, you can first hold a waterproof locker using propulsion cannon and then pick it up) • Snow(ball) storage – 3:50 / 5:48 (While throwing a snowball try to open any locker, now you can access that locker from any place by opening PDA) • Out of Bounds base clip – 11:05 (Build a base and a hatch near a wall, now you can clip through that wall) • Propulsion Boost – 10:44 (Hold any item with a prop. cannon and use booster tank at the same time, this heavily increases speed) • Pathfinder launch – 9:27 (Here's a quick video explaining it:    • Pathfinder launch explanation  , the only additions are: lower your fps = faster you'll fly, on 30fps you can launch using only one-node tower and not two, your Detail setting must be on low to deploy stationary nodes (the launch itself works on every setting though)) • Sanctuary skip – downloading Al-An is only needed to disable the forcefields for body caches, but we can just clip inside them instead, meaning the Sanctuary is not required • Transfer skip – 19:40 (If you initiate transfer ~1.2s after it becomes possible, you will regain control over Robin immediately after cutscene starts, on practice, however, we need Highlight interactables option (see exploits), when Al-An's body lowers, run towards it immediately, it will be highlighted and periodically dim, wait until the 3rd dim to initiate transfer) • Some other stuff (including Subnautica speedruns discord server) can be found here:


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