Program vs Project How They Are Different and Why It Matters
When writing grants it's important to know differences between nonprofit “programs” and “projects”. Nonprofit development staff can use this information to leverage more dollars for their mission. While a Program is ongoing , a Project has a set beginning and end date. Put another way, a Program involves People and a Project involves a Product. • 0:25 Program/Project Design should happen BEFORE you apply for and write Grant Proposals • 0:37 A Program is ongoing (annual and season programs are considered ongoing) • 0:52 A Project has a set beginning and end date and is typically considered short term • 1:08 Capital Projects and construction projects might take a few years, so they would still be considered projects but with a longer period to complete • 1:26 Program = People and Project = Product • 1:38 Some Grant Donors/Foundation prefer funding a Program or a Project, but not both • 1:50 Grant Proposal/Grant Writing Pro Tip: How to creatively us a specific line item for funding • • Check out our upcoming events: • Do you need help with Grant Research? We can help • Did you know we offer various Board Solutions? • Whether you need consultation, coaching, grant writing, research or development programming, Funding For Good can help you Grow for Good. Those of you who are checking us out for the first time – Welcome! We look forward to working with you. • Find Funding for good online at • On Facebook @ / fundingforgood • On LinkedIn @ / amandapearcefundingforgood • #Nonprofit #programdesign #projectdesign