What Does Allah Look Likeﷲﷻ❤️AllahSWTﷲﷻ❤️TrueGodﷲﷻ❤️ Rabbﷲﷻ❤️Lordﷲﷻ❤️Elahﷲﷻ❤️Deityﷲﷻ❤️Creatorﷲﷻ❤️

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What does Allah look like in real life? •    • Dr Zakir Naik - Definition of Allah i...   •    • CAN WE IMAGINE ALLAH?   •    • How does Allah look like?   •    • The Face Of Allah - Powerful - Mercif...   •    • How does Allah look like?   •    • What Does ALLAH look like?┇What Does ...   •    • CAN WE IMAGINE ALLAH?   •    • What does Allah look like?   • • In Islam,Allah (True God) is never portrayed in any image. The Quran specifically forbids ascribing partners to share his singular sovereignty, as He is the Absolute One without Indivisible, and Incomparable Being, Who is similar to nothing, and nothing is comparable to Him. • What does Allah look like? • Allah is our Lord. Allah is the One and Only ‘True God’/ 'True Deity'.We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. Allah is the Greatest, no one is like Him, He cannot be compared to any of His creatures. Allah Says: • “Say, (O Prophet) “He is Allah” * One Allah—the Sustainer. * He has never had offspring, nor was He born. * And there is none comparable to Him”. • Allah (The True God ) is omniscient. He has known all things from before the creation of the worlds. His knowledge of things before their coming into existence and afterwards is exactly the same. No one knows how Allah looks like. • What does Allah look like? • Almighty Allah does not look like any thing or animal in the world! • We always imagine the form or shape of an unseen object or animal that we have seen somewhere in the world before. And what we have not seen does not come to our mind. We cannot imagine anything that we have not seen anywhere before. If we can, it will be relative to what we have seen before. • So God's form or shape is beyond human thought or concept. • What is Allah described as? • Description. Allah, an Arabic word, means God, in the monotheistic sense. Allah is the center of the Qur'an and Islam, as is reflected in the Islamic testament of faith, “There is no True God but Allah.” He is Rabb al-Alamin, Lord of all Worlds – human, animals, the earth, the universe, angels, this world, and the next. • What does Allah look like? • What does Allah look like? Allah's form or shape is beyond human thought or concept. Allah is not bound by physical attributes or limitations and He is beyond human comprehension. Therefore, Allah does not have any physical form that can be perceived by humans. Islam teaches that Allah is the One Infinite, All-Knowing, All-Powerful Being Who is the source of all creation and the ultimate judge of humanity. Muslims believe that Allah has revealed guidance and wisdom to mankind through the Qur'an and the example of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). However, Allah is an indivisible single entity. Allah's attributes are beyond human comprehension and He cannot be fully understood by the human mind. Allah's form exists but it is not possible to observe it with the eyes of this flesh and blood. It is not possible to see God through the eyes of any human, jinn or angel. And nowadays it is not possible at all. However, Allah Ta'ala has promised that those who will have the best Paradise, only they will be fortunate enough to see Allah in the Hereafter. That is, they will see Allah. May Allah grant us all that opportunity. Amen •    • Dr Zakir Naik - Definition of Allah i...   •    • The Throne of Allah - Mindblowing   •    • CAN WE IMAGINE ALLAH?   •    • How does Allah look like?   •    • Allah Is The Light   •    • How does Allah look like?   • #WhatDoesAllahLookLike? • What does Allah look like? #Allah #God #Deity #Rabb #Lord #Ilah #Creator #What #How #WhatDoesAllahLookLike? • #AllahlooksLike #Allah #God #Deity #Rabb #Lord #Ilah #Creator #What #How #LooksLike #HowIsAllah • What does Allah look like? • #What does Allah look like? #Allah #God • #WhatDoesAllahLookLike? • #আল্লাহদেখতেকিরূপ? #Allah #God #Deity #Rabb #Lord #Ilah #Creator #What #How #LooksLike #HowIsAllah • #WhatDoesAllahLookLike? • #আল্লাহদেখতেকিরূপ? #Allah #God #Deity #Rabb #Lord #Ilah #Creator #What #How #WhatDoesAllahLookLike? • #আল্লাহদেখতেকিরূপ #Allah #God #Deity #Rabb #Lord #Ilah #Creator #What #How #LooksLike #HowIsAllah • #What does Allah look like? • #আল্লাহ দেখতে কিরূপ? #Allah #God • #আল্লাহদেখতেকিরূপ #Allah #God #Deity #Rabb #Lord #Ilah #Creator #What #How #LooksLike #HowIsAllah •    • How does Allah look like?   • #What Does Allah Look Like? • #How Does Allah Look Like? • #AllahLooksLike #HowIsAllah #Creator #AllahSWT #Allah #TrueGod #TrueDeity #TrueIlah #TrueLord #TrueRabb


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