5 Benefits of Ginger DigestionBoosting Tea Recipe Thomas DeLauer
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5 Benefits of Ginger | Digestion-Boosting Tea Recipe: Thomas DeLauer • I originally created this video for the BeFit channel, but you can find this and many other vids at http://www.ThomasDeLauer.com • In this video I'm going to give you 5 benefits of ginger. Why I personally think that ginger is one of the best things that you can eat. At the end of this video, if you stick with me, I'm going to show a tea that you can make with ginger, but also with some simple ingredients that your probably got hanging around the house or in the fridge. Let's dive right in. • Starting with number 5. The number 5 reason that I think ginger is one of the best things that you can consume is because it improves your blood circulation. Those of you that have watched my videos, you know how big I am on circulation. You know how big I am on nutrient absorption. When your blood is circulating well, you're absorbing more nutrients. You see, ginger has something called gingerall. Those gingeralls create an increase in your body temperature, so they increase your core body temperature. • The number 4 reason is it's an awesome pain reliever. You see, those same gingeralls that make it so that you have better circulation, also reduce inflammation and reduce pain. The way they do that is they block something called the cyclooxygenase enzyme 2 or COX enzyme 2. What that COX-2 enzyme is, is it's something that creates that sensation of pain as a result from inflammation. If you've ever bumped your knee, or if you've ever bumped your elbow or your shoulder, and you immediately get that redness and that swelling, that's inflammation, but the pain that's associated with it is caused by that COX-2 enzyme. Now, ginger blocks that. It directly reduces pain associated with inflammation. As an added bonus, it also blocks what are called prostaglandins from creating headaches. Prostaglandins are pro-inflammatory enzymes that create pain as well, but there are specific ones that cause headaches. Ginger blocks that. • The number 3 reason is it relaxes muscles. It prevents cramping. It doesn't just prevent cramping after sports or after activity. It can also reduce menstrual cramping and menstrual bleeding. In a study by the Center for Nursing Care Research in Iran, it was found that giving ginger to women that were having heavy menstrual cramping and even heavy menstrual bleeding dramatically reduced the amount of cramping and pain but also the amount of blood that was associated with the menstrual cycle. • The number 2 reason that ginger is absolutely awesome is it prevents nausea. You have a little bit of ginger before you go on a car ride, or if you're prone to getting motion sick, then you can take some ginger right before you go, and it's going to help you. It stimulates gastric juices so it helps your body digest. If you ever got food sitting in your stomach that's making your feel nauseous, a little bit of ginger can help stimulate the hydrochloric acid, get the process going so that you start assimilating your nutrients and moving along through the digestive process. • Lastly, the number 1 reason why ginger is awesome is it keeps you from getting sick. This has been proven time and time again that ginger supports your immune system. Ginger has such a strong anti-septic, anti-microbial, and antibiotic property to it that it can actually stop an infection in its tracks. More importantly, it can prevent an infection from occurring in the first place. Now, this could mean a respiratory infection, sinus infection, or it could just mean simply the common cold and flu. If you're regular with when you consume your ginger, you can actually boost your body's immune system to keep that from happening in the first place. • Subscribe to the Thomas DeLauer Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/user/thetdelau...