Navadurga Odissi by Rudrakshya Foundation
Nava Durga, the nine forms of Goddess Durga. • This Odissi choreography invokes the Mother Goddess, the Destroyer of Shumbha and Nishumbha, and the one who is Energy, Radiance, Victory and Ultimate Bliss. The piece is based on the Stotram (hymn) by the legendary Sage Vyasa. • Choreography: Adi Guru Pankaj Charan Das • Music: Shri Harihar Panda • Dancers: Basistha Jena, Prasanta Kumar, Lopamudra Sahoo, Anjali Das, Sagarika Badajena, Sai Shreya Rout, Tanushree Tanaya, Kritika Panda, Maria Lorena Reynoso • Dance Direction: Dushasan Sahoo, Samir Kumar Panigrahi • Video: Ganesh Sahoo • Instagram : / l.a_l.o.r.e