Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich Biography Full Audiobook


For well over a century Christians have loved the extraordinary meditations and visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. Many believe that her private revelations inspired much of what Mel Gibson depicted in his widely popular film, The Passion of Christ. These mystical experiences have drawn people closer to Christ and have produced much great spiritual fruit. As extraordinary as her prophecies and revelations are, her life was no less extraordinary. How much do you know about the holy woman behind the heavenly visions? • Discover what the life of this pious nun was like in this Virgo Potens production of the full length audiobook of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich’s biography. This complete account of the life of Anne Catherine Emmerich includes her life as a child, her life of penance and helping the sick and dying. This biography indicates that Sister Emmerich was involved with miraculous events including receiving the painful stigmata and conversing with her guardian angels regularly. She loved Jesus above all else and she humbly accepted sufferings in imitation of her divine Lord. • Patreon: • #classicaudiobook #Blessedannecatherineemmericj #traditionalcatholic


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