Lords of War Part One – Kargath
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In Warlords of Draenor - the new expansion from World of Warcraft - the Dark Portal doesn't take you to Outland anymore. In WoD the portal in Blasted Lands takes you to Warspear for Horde and Stormshield for Alliance. • For Beginners. • For Alliance the portals are located in the Stormwind - The Mage Quarter-Mage Tower (Down-Left part of Stormwind map). • For Horde the portals are located in Orgrimmar - The Cleft of Shadow (The big cave that's in the center of Orgrimmar). • If you're to low level you might not see any of the portals. You need to be at least 58 level for Outland and 90 level for the Iron Horde Invaded Blasted Lands. • How to get to Outland for Alliance - 00:09 • How to get to Outland for Horde - 00:30