New Pokemon Snap walkthrough w commentary Part 4 Park Illumina Spot


You know that Meganium that's on the Nintendo Switch boxart for New Pokemon Snap? Yeah, well, here's gameplay of it! Today's video has me take dozens of photos of it! Also, TODD SNAP IS HERE! • ———————————— • SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: • ———————————— • SUBSCRIBE! โ–บ • TWITTER โ–บ   / realyoshiller   • New Pokemon Snap walkthrough playlist โ–บ    • New Pokemon Snap walkthrough (w/ comm...   • Thumbnail artwork by Scitty Kitty โ–บ   / scitty_kitty   • ———————————— • Here's more information regarding New Pokemon Snap, courtesy of Bulbapedia: • New Pokémon Snap (Japanese: New ใƒใ‚ฑใƒขใƒณใ‚นใƒŠใƒƒใƒ— New Pokémon Snap) is an upcoming spin-off Pokémon game for the Nintendo Switch. It is a sequel to the original Pokémon Snap for the Nintendo 64. The player is asked by Professor Mirror to photograph Pokémon in their natural habitats across Lental, an archipelago region with a variety of different ecosystems. The professor and his assistant Rita guide the player across the islands of Lental and inform about the research team's ecological survey. • Pictures of Lental's wild Pokémon are evaluated with one to four stars by Professor Mirror, indicating how rare the behavior displayed is. One picture from each star category can be added to the corresponding page of the Photodex, an album designed to display photos and additional information of wild Pokémon. Photos taken during expeditions can also be saved to a personal album that is distinct from the Photodex. These photos can be edited in terms of brightness, blur, zoom, and other aspects, or added stickers, frames, and filters. With a Nintendo Switch Online membership, photos can also be shared online, and awarded Sweet! Medals (Japanese: ใ‚Šใ‚“ใ”ใƒกใƒ€ใƒซ Apple Medal) by other players. The game features over 200 Pokémon. • #NewPokemonSnap #PokemonSnap #NintendoSwitch


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