Suraj Weds Siri


While voltage, current, and power will soon be second nature to you, before we get into circuit analysis, let's take a moment to explain the relationship between these. Once these are explained, you'll have the foundation you need to understand the following videos in this Circuits 1 series we're creating. So, while in this video we just learn the conceptual difference between voltage, current, power, and energy (volts, amps, watts, and joules), the more important thing is that as we learn more about circuits, you won't be lost by these terms and will be able to understand the new concepts we will be learning. • We appreciate Ohmite supporting this tutorial! They manufacture many different passive components but they are most famous for their resistors. They offer many resistors but their power resistors are found here and it would be good for you to go peruse and see what types are available: • We also highly recommend checking out the written tutorials on that were created as companion pieces to these video tutorials - here's the link for this one: • If you find this interesting, subscribe to the CircuitBread channel for more videos on beginner and intermediate electronics! • Table of Contents • 0:00 Cool little intro thing that Taylor made a couple years ago • 0:39 Current and voltage comparison • 0:50 What is voltage - voltage potential or volts • 1:27 What is current - amperage • 2:20 Trying to make rough numbers more intuitive and maybe failing • 3:50 What is power - voltage and current combined • 4:57 Power versus energy • For electronics tools, tutorials, equations and more check out our site: • And check out our Friends of CircuitBread, who offer special discounts, product samples, resources and more to our users: • CircuitBread is joining the fight to help people more easily learn about and use electronics. With an ever-growing array of equations, tools, and tutorials, we're striving for the best ways to make electronics and electrical engineering topics more accessible to everyone. • Connect with CircuitBread: • Instagram ➤   / circuitbread   • Facebook ➤   / circuitbread   • Twitter ➤   / circuitbread  


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