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Yvonne Larson, Master Massage Therapist of, shares a smart tip about the top 3 embarrassing situations that could occur during a massage and how to get over your concerns about them. • Smart Tips Videos are produced by Geffner Productions. To find out how to become a featured on-camera expert in your very own series of Smart Tips Videos please visit • Transcript: • Are you fearful of getting a massage because you're afraid of involuntary bodily functions taking over and placing you in an embarrassing situation? In today's Smart Tip I will share the science of the top 3 embarrassing situations that could occur during a massage, so that these situations won’t cause embarrassment. • The top 3 concerns that people have when getting a massage are: passing gas, drooling or for the guys, getting an erection. During massage, many people fall into a peaceful slumber, and if you're lying face down, all relaxed, you're not thinking about control. • Drooling or passing gas is actually pretty common and nothing to be ashamed of. Your therapist can handle these 2 things seamlessly with tissues and essential oils. The third situation, erections, is also common when you are new to massage. The increased blood flow and relaxation state can signal a partial or full erection. Not to worry though, over time the body becomes familiar with the process of massage therapy and erections are no longer an issue. • So, here's what you need to know. During a massage the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. This sends signals to the body to rest and digest . While in this restful healing state, you are not conscious of controlling or restricting these actions. You are in a state to get the maximum benefits from your massage, so don't bother concerning yourself with these situations occurring. Your healing is what matters most! • I'm master massage therapist, Yvonne Larson, best known as The Neck Work Expert . I'm the owner of Absolute Vital Care Bodyworks the founder of The Massage Business Academy. For more great tips please visit: and sign up for my free gift: Balancing Your Business and Your Body: Ten Strategies to Sustain Your Vitality and Enjoy Your Success . Thanks for watching!