>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=zJXP886He90
00:01 - 02:47 Intro • 02:48 - 06:49 General Q and A • 06:50 - 10:54 Specific: An Admin has blocked the Programm Workaround • 10:55 - 15:20 General Q and A • 15:21 - 16:47 Base Game Interlude • 16:48 - 25:47 Following the new Guide Step by Step • 25:48 - 29:50 Sims 2 Game and End :) • • In my last video from 2020 I explained how to install the Base Game as well as Expansion Packs. That Guide is now partially outdated. The Base Game installation still works to some extende, but I recommend following this Guide to be up to date. • Please refer to my 2020 video if any questions arise that I answered there :). Especially when it has to do with the Base Game Installation. • In short: here is the written guide I followed https://docs.google.com/document/d/19... • In short, here are the written steps: • 1) Get a drive that can read the disc format you have • 2) Install the base game and expansions • SHOULD YOU RUN INTO AN ISSUE REFERING TO AN UPDATE/the Sims not being up to date, Install the update Patch from this link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/lzb... and copy the contents into your Sims 2 folder and confirm the override (I explained this all in my first video, go back to that for a visual guide :) • Run the administration as admin and use the cmd window (run as admin!) if necessary to get around restrictions or red error messages. You can sometimes copy contents of the disc to the PC and run the autorun from there but not always • 3)Go to the linked guidehttps://docs.google.com/document/d/19... • 4) Install the 4GB Update Patch https://ntcore.com/?page_id=371 • 5) Copy the d3d9.dll file from https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/rel... the tar.gz folder (from the 32 bit version) AFTER you gave everyone permission over the TSBin folder of the latest expansion pack you installed (or the base game bin, should you have that one only) • 6) Download the latest https://www.simsnetwork.com/tools/gra... graphics rulemaker version and install it • 7) Refer to the guide for correct settings • 8) Create a shortcut and add -w at the end of the Target in the Shortcut Properties • 9) Start the Game and adjust the settings in game as you like • You're done ! YAY • • I'm a Partner of CD-Keys, click here to get games up to 90% off: http://www.cdkeys.com/?mw_aref=thelit... • Socials: • / littlemessenger • / littlemessenger • / the_littlemessenger • https://tiktok.com/little.messenger