Fishing Lake Koocanusa FishNFun
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ - Today we were fishing Lake Koocanusa in NW Montana. The lake is about an hour north of Flathead Lake. The day was perfect fishing weather and the lake was smooth as glass. We used planer boards and down-riggers to catch those dwellers of the deep and as you'll see in the video we were rewarded with a beautiful rainbow trout. • You can tour Flathead Lake on our custom fishing charter boats. Captain Norm operates the largest charter boat on Flathead Lake. All the comforts of home from a private head (potty for you landlubbers) to a heated cabin. If you want to fish Flathead Lake on a private charter, give Captain Norm and his fleet of fishing boats a call. • The Captain also offers tours and hiking trips on Wild Horse Island and tours of Flathead Lake or Lake Koocanusa. The Captain believes that Fishing = Fun ! And that's why he calls his business Fish~N~Fun! • Captain's Blog: • Facebook: / • Twitter:!/Fish_N_Fun • Pinterest: / flatheadfishing