This X4 Foundations Guide is about how to unlock the black market and some tips on how it's features can be used. This way you can access hidden exchange of useful items or hugely profitable offers. Few of them, if exploited with a space station, can provide a profit for a lot of millions or billions of credits by slugger illegal substances. • X4 Foundations requirement to Unlock Black Market • To unlock black market you need to already finish the main quest scientific expedition that unlocks the series of quest that gains access to the black market if you didn't do it yet check the following guide: • X4 Foundations Guide: How to do the Main Quest: Scientific Expedition:    • X4 Foundations Guide: How to do the M...   • Once you did you need to fine one other mission near stations this one will ask you to deliver some illegal goods to a trader need the station when you found the quest. Once done you will be able to found similar quests around the x4 foundations universe and also unlock black market in the face to who you give these items is the black market trader. • • X4 Foundations benefits from Unlock Black Market • The main benefit is that you can buy spacesuit emp bombs, some rare ingredients and be able to sell illegal wares for 3 time our more higher price that you can buy from the respective factories. • X4 Foundations how to build factory to make illegal wares? • Station building prossess is slyghtly hard so you need to learn all is required to make it in case you need some help for this I suggest you to check the following x4 guide: • X4 Foundations How to Build, Manage Supervise a Station:    • X4 Foundations How to Build, Manage  ...   • In case you already done this check if there is already any tutorial about how you can build a x4 foundations station for the illegal items you want to slugger: • X4 Foundations Guide: Station Building (Playlist):    • X4 Foundations How to Build, Manage  ...   • Subscribe for more x4 tutorial direct and precise with occasional tips and tricks helping you to understand how to become pro in no time. • HTF Games Studio also is on socials • Facebook:   / htfgamesstudio   • Twitter:   / gameshtf   • #x4Foundations #x4FoundationsTutorial #HTFGamesStudio


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