Review The Everlast free standing heavy boxing bag
Review: The Everlast freestanding heavy boxing bag • This is great for performing some intense boxing drills and workouts at home. It's solid, it can withstand all the punishment you throw its way and it is everlasting! • • 1. Get fit, fatty • A bit mean, I know, but you’re probably trying to find a good reason (or 3) to start heavy bag training. Your one good reason? It will get you really, and I mean really, fit. • Before you know it you’ve done a HIIT workout. • By changing your routine you can favor either an aerobic or anaerobic workout, with high intensity sessions lasting around two to three minutes. • Tl;dr: A punching bag at the home or office offers a quick and easy workout without need for large equipment or going to gym. Key is to hang it somewhere you encounter it a lot. • • 2. De-stress and get high, naturally • Exercise causes the body to release endorphins – which act as painkillers and help elevate your mood – counteracting feelings of stress, depression and easing any aches and pains you have. • This dopamine release is sometimes referred to as the “runners high”, “lifter’s high”. It causes that sense of smug self-satisfaction you have after training. • A study in the Irish Journal of Medical Science (2011) found that endorphins have the same positive effect on mental health as a course of antidepressants. • It’s like that quote: • Exercise is nature’s Prozac, meditation is nature’s Ritalin. • 3. Let off steam – don’t flee or freeze, fight! • In our modern society were under constant stress. Our brains are busier than ever before. We’re bombarded with news, ads, gossip, facts, factoids, gibberish and more info. Our era of email, Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram requires us to constantly multitask. • Not only do we suck at it, recent studies show that “the cognitive losses from multitasking are even greater than the cognitive losses from pot‑smoking”. • Frenzied days of traffic jams, deadlines, and other frustrations trigger our fight or flight response. This chronic stress we collectively suffer from causes a flood of internal processes influencing your neurotransmitters, hormones, polluting our body with toxic byproducts of stress. • Hitting a punching bag is an excellent way of de-stressing because it satisfies the fight or flight urge. • What’s more, it cleanses the toxins out of your system before it undermines your immune system and health. • 4. Be prepared, work on your self defense abilities • You may disagree, but many experts claim that everyone should take self-defense classes. If you had to, could you defend yourself? Bro, can you even throw a punch? (you’d be surprised how many people can’t). • Besides learning to simply punch or kick there’s also the psychological aspect. • You’re not only training your body but your mind as well. Knowing you’re able to throw a mean punch may give you that mental ability to fight off an attacker when push comes to shove. • Especially if you make yourself go on when you feel the urge to give up. When you feel so tired that you want to lie down and say to yourself, come on, 10 more! • This is called blitz training in which you’re training mental self-defense tenacity. Something that plays a huge part in krav maga and related self defense systems that teach you to keep going no matter what. • A blitz is an intense, rapid-fire session that mimics the aggression, fortitude and stamina required for a fight. • • 5. It builds confidence • Not only will you be healthier and feel fitter, the knowledge that you could smack someone in the face* in a dangerous situation from which you couldn’t run away, will boost your self-confidence. • *Actually, there are more effective locations to land your punch than the face but you’ll get the idea. • • 6. Get stronger – sting like a bee • The heavy bag doesn’t hit back, unlike your training partner, so it provides the perfect place to really go at it. Focus on throwing every single punch, kick, elbow and knee as hard, and as perfectly, as possible. • Whilst the heavy bag doesn’t provide as much resistance as weights or resistance bands, it will still provide a great workout for most of the major muscle groups in your body. • You’ll notice particular strength and endurance gains in your shoulders, back, chest and core. • From your shoulders to your legs, you utilize the majority of the muscle groups in your body when striking and kicking repeatedly. Prepare for a real deep burn. • Why boxing and bag work is gaining popularity • Humanity is gradually moving back to primal values. Some of us practice yoga, others eat paleo or primal, we increasingly meditate, we are more open to traditional medicine and ancient wisdom in general, and as such more and more folks embrace boxing. Once, the noble sport of kings, now a fun workout with a plethora of benefits.