Senior Fitness Resistance Band Exercises for Seniors
Get the live fitness experience right from home with this easy, fun, and energetic 35-minute dance exercise for older adults, seniors, and beginners! It will help you lift your spirits, burn some calories, and most importantly, give you a boost of happiness during these crazy COVID times! • Note: this is the version WITH 3-minute breaks. If you would like to view the version WITHOUT breaks please click the link here: • SENIOR DANCE FITNESS | 30 MINUTES LIV... . • #seniordancefitness #fitover50 #danceworkout • Remember to take it at your own pace and comfort level - be sure to consult a doctor before starting any exercise routine. If you like what you see, hit the subscribe and like buttons, and feel free to leave any feedback in the comments section! • Follow us at: • Instagram: @goldeyfit • Facebook: