Mischa Maisky Bach Cello Suite No1 in G Major BWV1007 Full
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My [Montagnana] cello and I have gone through several stages in our relationship. I call it my beautiful lady, since the word for cello in Russian is feminine. My cello is a she. Anyway, we fell in love at first sight. Then we had a wonderful love affair while she belonged to the Foundation. Then we became engaged when I bought it from the Foundation. Now that I've paid off the bank we are married for life. It's been 34 years since we first met. - Mischa Maisky. • Mischa Maisky plays Bach's Cello Suite No.1 in G Major on his Domenico Montagnana Cello. Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello, Suite No.1 in G Major BWV 1007. • 1. Prelude - 0:00 • 2. Allermande - 2:36 • 3. Courante - 7:02 • 4. Sarabande - 9:39 • 5. Menuet I / II - 13:32 • 6. Gigue - 17:32