Know more about Evolution of Man NEET Zoology XII Human Evolution


Know more about Evolution of Man. NEET Zoology XII Human Evolution • Pre-ape Man: • Dryopithecus/Proconsul: • Fossil dug by Leakey in 1930 from East Africa from early Miocene rocks.Face prognathous, legs man like but walked on four limbs.Cranial capacity was 400 c.c.In India obtained from Sivalik and Bilaspur (HP).Common ancestor of man and apes or a direct forerunner of man.Common species is D. africanus.It had arms and legs of the same length.Its legs and heels indicate a semi erect posture. • Sivapithecus: • Found in Sivalik hills of India. Resembled Proconsul, but somewhat like Dryopithecus. Cranial capacity was 750-900 c.c. • Ramapithecus/ Kenyapithecus (Forerunner of Hominid Stock): • Found in Sivalik hills by E. Lewis (1930) belonged to Miocene period, about 13 million years old.Ramapithecus represents the first man-like primate.Incisor and canine teeth-man like.Probably bipedal locomotion.Diet and life habit very similar to modern man. • Ape Man: • Australopithecus (Primitive Man or Ape Man): • Australopithecus africanus (Taung baby) was discovered by Raymond Dart (1924) with cranial capacity about 450 - 550 cc.It showed bipedal locomotion and was omnivorous, face was prognathus but Showed man like characters like lumbar curve, broad-basin pelvic, parabolic dentition.An almost complete fossil skeleton of 30-25 lac years old had been discovered by D.C. Johanson (1981) from Ethiopia.It was Australopithecus afarensis, a female skeleton resembling Australopithecus but more ape like and named it Lucy. They were vegetarian with cranial capacity of 600 cc.Southern ape/ first man-ape/ African ape-man.Omnivorous.Height - 120 cm.Face – Prognathous.Prominent brow ridges but no chin. • All fossils belonging to early Pleistocene period are believed to give rise to genus Homo. • Formed crude stone tools. It was upright, lived in caves, hunted animals by bones and animal horn. • Homo habilis (Early True Man or The Tool Maker): • • Handy man or nut crackerman.Evolved about 2 million years ago during early Pleistocene period.Fossil discovered by Leakey (1960-1964) from East Africa.Cranial capacity was about 680 cc and they used hands, walked straight (bipedal locomotion) omnivorous. They used chipped stone tools.He led community life in caves and greatly cared for the young. • Height - 150 cm.Prominent brow ridges.Protruded jaws, lower Jaw lightly built. had small canines.Omnivorous. • Homo erectus (Erect Man): • • Evolved between 1.7 and 1.5 million years ago during middle Pleistocene period from Homo habilis. • • They walked erect over long legs, prognathus face, used stone and bone tools, fire and some primitive type of speech had developed. •  Homo erectus erectus or Pithecanthropus erectus (Java man): • . •  Home erectus pekinensis or Sinanthropus pekinensis (Peking man): •  Homo heidelbergensis (Heidelberg Man): •  Found in 1907 from Heidelberg, Germany.Teeth man like, jaw ape like.Chin absent.Heidelberg man is regarded as an ancestor to Neanderthal man. • True Man: • Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (Neanderthal Man): • Fossil discovered by C. Fuhlrott (1856) from Neandertal valley of Germany.This resembled modern man, cranial capacity 1400-1450 c.c.The skull bones were thick, forehead was low.Eyebrow ridges were heavy.Height 150 cm.Made beautiful tools for hunting, used animal hides as clothing, built hut like structures, lived social life, division of labour and buried their dead. Probably had ability of speech. They were omnivorous.There were no agricultural practices. • Homo sapiens fossilis (Cro - Magnon man): • • Fossils found from Cro-Magnon rocks of France by MacGregor (1868).Replaced neanderthal man about 35,000 years ago.Sharp nose and chin, forehead broad, cranial capacity about 1600 c.c, face orthognathus with elevated narrow nose.Lack of eyebrow ridges.Height - 180 cm.They were omnivorous.It is believed that Cro-Magnon man is the direct descendent of Neanderthal man.They were cave dwellers, hunters with domesticated dogs, did some excellent cave paintings, used ivory ornaments and animal skin garments. • Homo sapiens sapiens ( Modern man): • • Developed from Cro-Magnon about 10,000 yeas ago after last glacial period in the regions of Caspian and Mediterranean sea.Thinning of skull bones, four curves in vertebral column.Cranial capacity 1450 cc.Cultivated plants and domesticated animals.Communication through writing.Man has undergone cultural evolution. • For more such resources go to • Website:


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