Niki dies because Wilbur taps on her glass OriginSMP
Niki Nihachu has the Merlin origin on the Origins SMP so she needs to breathe underwater. Wilbur Soot is a Phantom and can pass through blocks. Scott (Smajor) and Wilbur tap on her fish tank's glass to confuse her and ultimately kill her. Philza Minecraft, Ranboo, Tubbo, Sneegsnag, Jack Manifold and Technoblade were also there. • VOD: / 987668406 • Streamed live on Twitch on 13 April 2021. • People in the video: • Wilbur: / wilbursoot • Niki: / nihachu • Scott: / smajor1995 • Techno: / technoblade • Phil: / philza • Jack: / jackmanifoldtv • Sneeg: / sneegsnag • Ranboo: / ranboolive • Tubbo: / tubbo