The Space Kingdom of Asgardia


Elon Musk… SpaceX • Jeff Bezos… Blue Origin • Richard Branson… Virgin Galactic • Larry Page… Planetary Resources • Ma Huatang… Moon Express • When you’re a billionaire, you fund a Space Company… It’s what you do. • But Russian Billionaire Igor Ashurbeyli is changing things up a bit, instead of a space company, he is starting a Space Nation. • The Space Kingdom of Asgardia was established on October 12th, 2016 and along with Ashurbeyli, it was formed by an international group of researchers, engineers, lawyers, and entrepreneurs. • Asgardia is self-declared nation, with 3 objectives. • 1) To ensure permanent peace in space; • 2) To ensure equal opportunities in space for all Asgardians, currently residing on Earth, regardless of their Earthly citizenship; • And 3) To promote the welfare of the entire humankind. • According to its constitution, Asgardia is the first independent, free, unitary, and social Space Nation, which is transethnic and secular, is based on morality, fairness, peace, and the equal dignity of every human being, looks to the future and the infinite Universe, and is a Kingdom. • They want to explore space and exist in space free from the tight control and restrictions of existing nations. • According to Daniel Clery of, by becoming its own nation, Asgardia can bypass the United Nations’s Outer Space Treaty, which gives nations the duty of overseeing any space activities undertaken from its territory, whether by government bodies, commercial companies, or nonprofit organizations. • Ultimately, Asgardia aims to be recognized as a Nation by the United Nations. • Per the United Nation’s website, the process to becoming a recognized nation is as follows: • 1) The State submits an application to the Secretary-General and a letter formally stating that it accepts the obligations under the Charter. • 2) The Security Council considers the application. Any recommendation for admission must receive the affirmative votes of 9 of the 15 members of the Council, provided that none of its five permanent members — China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America — have voted against the application. • 3) If the Council recommends admission, the recommendation is presented to the General Assembly for consideration. A two-thirds majority vote is necessary in the Assembly for admission of a new State. • And 4) Membership becomes effective the date the resolution for admission is adopted. • They took a step towards this goal on November 12th, when they launched the Cube Sat Asgardia-1 into low earth orbit. • With the Asgardia-1 in orbit, Asgardia claims that they are the first nation to have all of it’s territory in Space. • The satellite is a storage device that contains files from each of it’s citizens. • You can see the files on Asgardia’s website, the files are mainly photos and text but you can also upload music and video as well. • Here you can see at the time of making this video Asgardia has 161,599 citizens. • It is the 174th ranked nation in the world in population ahead of Kiribati at over 114,000 and behind Saint Lucia at over 186,000. • Asgardia has citizens from 220 different countries around the world, from 1 citizen from Palau all the way to the United States with over 22,000 Asgardian Citizens. • Until the establishing a permanent presence in space, which Asgardia plans to do in LEO and on the moon and beyond, Asgardian citizens will be physically on Earth; they will be living in different countries on Earth, so they will be a citizen of their own country and at the same time they will be citizens of Asgardia. • Sources: • • • • • •


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