Story of Seasons Raegers Confession Reverse Confession
REQUIREMENTS: • 1. Raeger has 25,000 FP or higher. This is still at blue flower, but is halfway between blue and green. Basically, if he's at green, he has enough FP. If he's still at blue, he may not have quite enough FP depending. • 2. You have seen his white and purple flower events. • 3. You have given him at least 100 total gifts. It doesn't matter what kind of gifts, even ones he hates will still count. You have to keep up with this yourself, or guess, as there is no counter in the game that keeps track of it. • 4. You have a ring in your backpack. You can make a ring with the Sewing Studio. You'll need 1 silver and 1 fluorite. Fluorite can be found diving in the rivers, or mining in the Safari. Silver can be found mining in the Safari. The Safari will unlock in Fall of the first year. Just walk into the Guild Hall to unlock Agate, who can take you. • 5. It's a sunny, non-festival Saturday or Sunday. • 6. Walk into his restaurant (first floor). He has to be downstairs for it to work, so your best bet is to go inside during his work hours (11:00 to 21:30). You may get lucky and trigger it earlier (around 9am) since he sometimes will go out to walk around town before work. • • If the reverse confession does not trigger, save your game and try giving him the ring. If the confession triggers, then you likely have not given him enough gifts yet. Either that or you're not going inside when he's downstairs. • If you reject his reverse confession, you can confess to him later. You'll first need to give him 130 total gifts (the 100 you gave for reverse confession counts towards this), wait at least a week since you rejected him, then you can give him the ring on a sunny, non-festival Saturday or Sunday. • ---- • NOTE: • All of this info and more can be found on the UNoT/fogu site guide and forums for Story of Seasons. If you have any questions about the game, it'd probably be better to look on the guide. As I think that's still incomplete, you can look/ask on the forums if it's not answered in the guide. As the game is still fairly new and I'm not that far in yet, I don't know that much about it yet either :P I will try to help, if I can, though, but in most cases you'll get a quicker response if you look for the answer yourself. • Links to the guide and forum section for SoS - • Guide: • Forums: