Godzilla Gets a YouTube Award Part 1 Fan Parody Animation
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=zX518ieNrXo
There's this thing that lets you support me: https://ko-fi.com/vrahno • Now onto what this video is. There's times I need to take some time off from the bigger or more complex animations I've been making behind the scenes for the past few years and keep this channel going with new content. So low effort side-projects like this will crop up from time to time. • Out of the approximately half a dozen animation ideas I had, I narrowed my choice down to two that I could feasibly make in a reasonably timeframe. One of those ideas was far better developed, with a clearer theme related to a relevant subject in the Godzilla franchise, it had a better structured story, and a more divisive type of satirical humor... That is not the idea that I made into a video, because I thought its subject matter and jokes wouldn't mesh too well with the sensitive state of things going in the world these days. • The second option was what became this video here, basically a dumping ground of various second and third-rate gags and other types of silliness I couldn't fit into other animations, loosely connected and playing out like some unstructured string of consciousness that never really gets to the point. The decision to split it into two parts (hopefully it won't be more) came about because it was already way too long and listening to all the monster talk can get grating after a while. • Part 2 will have more monster action and it'll be even more ridiculous. • • About the donation option, I haven't set up any before because and I'm still unsure of how reliable or useful these services would be to a channel like mine. Regardless, to the people who've said they'd like to support me in the past (there's got to be at least four of you), I set up the link at the top. • I don't expect much from it, but in lieu of a Patreon account, this is what I have. If this Ko-fi thing works out in any way, then I give my preemptive gratitude to anyone who helps me out. If it doesn't, I'll just remove the link and forget about it.