Dead Bug with Dumbbell


Every muddy pond is a theater of war. Hungry submariners sit and wait. • • -- DRAGONFLY NYMPH or MUD EYE -- • A skilled and Bush hunter with its camouflaged body and ravenous appetite. The mud eye is an aquatic monster aliens came to earth and this is the first animal that they met, they probably go back to their own planet and fear. One day the mud I will become a winged dragon fly hovering above the pond but not yet. It has to survive the first 90 to 95 percent of its life in the water. • -- WATER BUG -- • They've got a dagger-like proboscis which they insert into prey they grab them, they stab them and they paralyze their prey. Injected toxins shut down the nervous system almost instantly. With the prey • paralyzed, the water bugs such about vacuuming up its victims. Wire-like probe is actually the proboscis, and what it's doing is it's going into the body and cutting up holes between different cells and breaking them up. Then it's got these digestive enzymes coming out and liquefying it and then through a second tube it's sucking • up the fluid. • Subscribe for more awesome critter battles from Monster Bug Wars • ★ YouTube Channel: • • ★ WHAT is Monster Bug Wars? • This is ringside access to bug-eat-bug gladiatorial contests! Witness some of nature's deadliest encounters where stings, spikes and deadly venom are wielded with cold-blooded precision. • ★ Who will you encounter? • Enter the no-holds-barred, real life world of spiders, scorpions, centipedes and killer ants fighting to the death. When the Spiny Leaf Insect goes head to head with the Giant Rainforest Mantis it's an all-out assault where only one survives. • Can the lethal stinger of a Bull Ant overcome the suffocating silk of the Redback Spider? • When a lethal Tree Scorpion threatens a Green Ant colony carnage is certain. • Who survives the showdown between a deadly Desert Centipede and a Desert Trapdoor spider? • • ★ Behind the scenes • Filmed in extreme close-up high definition and illustrated with state-of-the-art CGI, Monster Bug Wars! brings to life nature's ultimate fight club. Five encounters per episode are accompanied with commentary from Dr Linda Rayor Cornell University and Dr Bryan Grieg Fry from The University of Queensland. • Follow us on Facebook for new updates • ★ Facebook:   / monsterbugwarsofficial   • ★ Twitter:   / monsterbugwar   •


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