Cardinal tetras in Nature Paracheirodon axelrodi
this is the extra short version of our cardinal tetra video, the long version can be found on the channel. • CARDINAL in NATURE / NEON TETRA in NA... • cardinal tetra or red neon tetra ( Paracheirodon axelrodi ) is one of the most popular aquarium fish of all time. Come see their natural habitat where hundreds of the beautiful cardinal tetras school in the shallow water. • Other fish in this habitat include: Hemigrammus stictus , Dicrossus filamentosus , Apistogrammas Hemigrammus rubrostriatus , Axelrodia riesei , Nanostomus unitaeniatus and Aequidens metae. • Want to see Rummynose tetras in nature? • • RUMMYNOSE tetras in nature, blue rams... • Japanese Version: • CARDINAL in NATURE / NEON TETRA in NA... • Deutsche Version: • ROTE NEON SALMLER (PARACHEIRODON AXEL...