One Piece 3 Pirate Warriors Punk Hazard All Treasure Events


1) Rescue Sanji before defeating Vergo. ( 0.00 - 1.35) • When you start the mission, there will be several ally units trapped in rooms that you must rescue before they fall victim to the Land of Death. Sanji is trapped in a room to the south of the map that is directly west of the Second Laboratory territory. Quickly capture the Second Laboratory in order to free Sanji and your other allies. After you do that, head to the Third Laboratory territory located on the east side of the map. Once you enter, Vergo should appear if he hasn't already. Once you reach Vergo, the event should trigger. • 2) Use Zoro or Tashigi to track down Monet within the time limit : •    • One Piece 3  Pirate Warriors -  Punk ...   • You need to play as either Zoro or Tashigi in order to trigger this event. This event does not apply to the first encounter with Monet as you try to escape the first area from the Land of Death. After Caesar destroys the first part of the map, you will be in the second area and have to rescue some Marines. Quickly start to make your way towards the northeast corner of the map. On the way there, you should see Monet appear. Do not waste time trying to help the Marines escape because the time for this event can be a bit strict, and you don't want to miss it. • • 3) After freeing all the Marine Captains, get Smoker and Vergo together ( 1.40 - 8.45) • After the first area is destroyed and you enter the second area, this event will begin. You should see 4 Marine Captains trapped in rooms. Defeat all 4 Gate Guards that control each room and free the Marines. After you do that, help Smoker and Law advance to the SAD Production Room territory. When you arrive there, Vergo should appear and this event should trigger. • 4) During Law's strategy, defeat Caesar more than once ( 9.17 - 11.17) • When you enter the third area, Law will begin a strategy to open up a path and free your allies. At this point the Northwest Engine Room territory will appear with enemy forces. After a little time, Caesar will appear to retake the Control Room. Before capturing the Northwest Engine Room territory, you must defeat Caesar twice. After you defeat him, he will keep reappearing at different locations. Make sure not to spend too much time because you only have 10 minutes until Land of Death floods the entire area. • 5) Chase down Caesar with Luffy without letting the Marine Captain flee ( 12.07 - 13.51) • You need to play as Luffy in order to trigger this event. After you initiate Law's strategy, Caesar will retreat to the Secret Room territory to the northwest corner of the map. There are 10 Marine Commanders in the area along with Smoker and Law. You have to make sure that none of them flee as you make your way to Caesar. This is simple, but just to be safe, I suggest you take out all the enemy commanders so they don't eliminate any of your units.


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