Fiqh and Shariah Any difference
Fiqh and Shari'ah are often used interchangeably. Does Shari'ah mean Islamic law? Is Islamic law divine? Can it be changed? Islam and Shari'ah are often criticised on the grounds that they promote archaic laws that are not suitable for modern society. How true is this statement and can Islam be compatible with societies beyond seventh century Arabia? This video explores the difference between fiqh and Shari'ah and how that difference illustrates the inherent flexibility within Islamic legal thought. • • Navigate Islam is an initiative based in Australia that aims to promote mainstream and classical views held by the Muslim community. What started as a training program for young Muslims has now emerged into a network of thinkers and activists representing the tradition. • With the educational support of Nigerian mentor, Ustadh Nuruddeen Lemu, Navigate Islam seeks to enable people with the tools to traverse the challenges of a spiritual life in a world full of mixed messages about Islam. • . • Facebook: /TrainTheTrainersTtc • Twitter: @navigateislam • Email: [email protected] • Don't forget to like and subscribe!