The BRUTAL Victorian Separate Prison System
When we think of Victorian prisons, we think of brutal conditions and horrific disease and overcrowding. It was during this time in England where thousands of prisoners were being transported to countries such as Australia. However the prison system was seen as not being harsh enough and was deemed ineffective, so because of this the separate system was created. This was a prison that kept prisoners inside in complete solitary confinement and they were not allowed to communicate with others and even the guards. • Prisoners in the separate prison were forced to go to chapel each day, and they were locked in small wooden boxes to maintain their isolation. It was very tough, and there were accounts of prisoners struggling to cope. The Separate prison system was the tough system that Britain needed, and the prisoners were forced to wear caps that hid their faces and identity. What is shocking is that despite discipline being brutal, it was what the people demanded was needed. Along with brutal regimes such as this and also the executions of criminals, the hope was that criminals would be put off offending again. • Join us today as we look at, 'The BRUTAL Victorian Separate Prison System.' Remember to support our channel, please make sure to subscribe. • Thanks for watching! Support the channel by subscribing, liking, and sharing. • • Follow me on Twitter: / theuntoldpast • Follow me on Instagram: • Disclaimer: All opinions and comment stated below in the Comments section do not represent the opinion of TheUntoldPast. All opinions and comments and dialogue should discuss the video above in a historical manner. • TheUntoldPast does not accept any racism, profanity, insults, sexism or any negative discussion aimed at an individual. TheUntoldPast has the right to delete any comment with this content inside it and also ban the user from the channel.