TVDX Doordarshan DD1 India 09041992
Often, during the summer months, it is often possible to hear FM broadcast stations from far and wide thanks to the Ionosphere and Troposphere bending signals over the horizon. There are a few tricks to getting the most out of tuning the broadcast band looking for that distant station however. • At the next AREG meeting on Friday the 20th of November, Andy, VK5LA will give a presentation on “DXing” the FM band. He will discuss, what gear is needed, what gear works best and how to identify stations you don’t normally hear and cover topics like locations, antenna polarisation, and explore the RDS station ID feature built in to most modern FM receivers. • Andy will also discuss using the ACMA database to determine if that exotic station you’ve just tuned in to is 70, 700 or 1700 km away and describe the various propagation modes that make this interesting activity possible. Finally he will take a look at how that information can be used to predict openings on the 6 metre (50MHz) band and above. • If you enjoyed this video, please consider: • ✅ Subscribing to Ham Radio DX! • 💰 Supporting this channel on Patreon: / hamradiodx • 🎥 Watching more recent videos here: / hamradiodx • If you enjoyed this video help others enjoy it by adding captions in your language - • #HRDX #AREG #FMRadio • Amateur Radio Experimenters Group: • • • Andy VK5LA: • • • Facebook: / vk7hh • Twitter: / hamradiodx • Instagram: / hamradiodx • Music: • Products for demos or reviews can be sent to address listed for VK7HH on or email [email protected] • If you enjoy this content and would like to support this channel, please consider using the below Affiliate Link for purchases: • eBay: • Prices do not change for you, but this channel will receive a small commission on all sales.