RECORDED on Nov 10, 2003 • Part 2 completed has been uploaded on The Maestro's 90th birthday : •    • Royal Albert Hall: ENNIO MORRICONE 75...   • AT LAST! ~ FINALMENTE! ...This video, among ENNIO MORRICONE buffs, has almost become the stuff of legend. Now I know why! These seem the only videos of this event on YouTube. I apologise for taking so long to get it online, and three attempts to get it as good as I could make it. • ‘LEGEND’ was maybe appropriate given its subject-matter, a world-famous Composer of extraordinary technique, inventiveness and prodigiousness. (Big words seem better, given the posh, prissy venue as the Viewer/Listener hears in the 'warm-up'). • • SOME YEARS BACK I tried making a DVD in a limited-edition of 75 copies for Members of the now-defunct 'Ennio Morricone Discussion Board' but I only managed to package and produce about 10 copies. For the DVD I had designed menus with the TITLES of the pieces. • I LEFT TITLES OFF THE VIDEO because i wanted people to experience and enjoy this purely as Music ~ and not have them thinking of gunfights! • But here in the Description is the much-requested... • TRACK LISTING -_- {{times corrected}} • • 4:11 ~from Brian De Palma's 'THE UNTOUCHABLES': Main Title, The Strength of the Righteous • 6:28 ~from Sergio Leone's 'ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA': Deborah's Theme • 10:12 Poverty • 11:41 Once Upon A Time In America • 13:47 ~from Giuseppe's Tornatore's 'THE LEGEND OF 1900': Main Title, La Leggenda del Pianista sull' Oceano • 21:20 ~from Giuseppe Tornatore's 'CINEMA PARADISO': Nuovo Cinema Paradiso • ==== Interval ==== • 24:37 ~from Ricky Tognazzi's 'CANONE INVERSO': Canone Inverso Suite • ==== Interval ==== • 40:17 ~from Mikhail Kalatozov's 'THE RED TENT': The Red Tent (End Titles) • 43:46 Others Who Will Follow Us • 46:28 Love Theme from The Red Tent • ==== Interval ==== • 49:47 ~from Sergio Leone's 'THE GOOD, THE BAD THE UGLY': Main Title, Il Buono ['good'], Il Brutto ['ugly'], Il Cattivo ['bad'] • 52:35 ~from Sergio Leone's 'ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST': Jill's Theme • 55:39 ~from Sergio Leone's UK-titled 'A FISTFUL OF DYNAMITE': Main Title, Giù La Testa • 58:31 ~from Sergio Leone's 'THE GOOD, THE BAD THE UGLY': The Ecstasy Of Gold • IT WAS WONDERFUL that, on his 75th birthday, the grande maestro as Quincy Jones calls Ennio; I call him Ennio Amadeus Morricone ~ he would be coming to London's Albert Hall, one of the world's premier venues for the performing arts ~ to present a 'Concerto' {{in English, 'Concert'}} of some of his known, well-loved and a tiny few of His lesser-known 'pezzi' or pieces. • My brother GORDON said, Get two of the best seats, and I'll come down. And he brought down from Glasgow his little Panasonic camcorder, an NV-GS5. I did the 'establishing shot', and Gordon shot (superbly) ALL of Part 1, as shown here. I gave him discreet gestural direction. HOWEVER ::::Part 2 …was another story! • DURING THE INTERVAL one or more of the emblazored flunkies walkie-talkied-on-down the heavy 'security' geezer: NO VIDEOING!! What a shame! • NOW, the Quality of this film I made …is not technically 'top-notch' ~ this was the days before HD, let alone 4K, and it's not 16:9. YouTube was a twinkle in its Fathers' eyes. • B A C K in Twenty-o-Three, not many people were sneaking camcorders into concerts. A graduate of the next-door Royal College of Art, I can honestly say: I did My best. (My brother commented, Only the best for the best ). He is GORDON CARROLL, proprietor of The Glasgow Stamp Shop ~ and WE are happy to share this THRILLING Concerto with 'Whomsoever' {{Italian, 'CHI MAI'}}. • • YOU WILL SEE The Beauty of a Great Master conducting his OWN Music …every note of which, HE has written. So refreshing, so contrasted too …with those 'Celebrity Conductors' [of Others' music] who pull faces and flail arms! • MORRICONE has said, People who come for my 'gestures'… should stay outside. • It's been such a long time coming! But here it is, this third upload on Maestro Morricone's 89th Birthday. (All previous viewing numbers lost, alas). • Given that it was me who began the audience on the unforgettable evening singing 'Happy Birthday to You' [alas, not recorded] ~ well, somebody had to, and yes, it was ME. I remember vividly calling-out with cupped hands, in Italian; BUON COMPLEANNO!! …and the beautiful virtuoso pianist Gilda Butta' slowly turned to look directly at me. • NOW here I AM, again typing: Buon compleanno, grande maestro! • By the way, ALL the iMovies on my channels ' Hugh Hue Carroll ' and ' TheSundayShout ' (records of some of my speeches at Speakers' Corner in London's Hyde Park) ~ all feature little snippets of Music by ENNIO MORRICONE. • We all mourn the passing to Spirit of this Great Master of Music ...on 6th July 2020, aged 91. • HUGH 'HUE' CARROLL • Master of Arts of the Royal College of Art


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