Sebastian the Ferret
Upon the request of our subscribers, here is a video of the newest addition. • Introducing...... Sebastian the Ferret! • As many of you know, last fall my beloved ferret, Viggo, passed away after battling cancer. • Sebastian is a 3-month-old chocolate ferret kit. He is oozing with personality, charm, exuberance, and an inspiring enthusiasm for life and fun. This video showcases some of Sebastian's favourite activities, including stashing away numerous items that tickle his fancy, weasel-war-dancing about the house, going for walks down the road, playing with Nana and Kaiser, attacking the camera lens, learning tricks, and much more. • Sebastian is such a crazy, spunky character and is a dearly loved member of the family. I hope you all enjoy getting to know him as much as I have. :) • Music is by Josh Woodward: • Coffee Goodbye to Spring • • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • UPDATE: On June 8th, 2013, Sebastian sadly passed away from Ferret FIP, a relatively new illness in ferrets that seems to target youngsters. Unfortunately, there is no known cure and it is always fatal. Rest in Peace, Sebastian Willoughby... my little shadow. ♥ • For those of you who would like to read about the incident, the following is a link to my blog post detailing it: • • Visit our official website: • • Our official blog: •