Romanian Special Forces SPIR
'Romanian Police Special Forces : SPIR'The Special Rapid Intervention Service is the name of the much-expanded DPIR structure in Bucharest. The Bucharest Pol...
Serviciul, Special, al, Politiei, pentru, Interventie, Rapida, spir, dias, dpir, swat, cqb, close, quarter, battle, fighters, luptori, trupe, speciale, mascati, bucuresti, romanian, police, special, forces, politie, interventie, rapida, antrenament, Police, Elite, GSPI, Acvila, SASI, SIAS, DIR, DPIR, DIAS, SPIR, Counter, Terrorists, Martial, Arts, Sniper, Team, Protection, Jandarmery, detachment, VIP, protection, anti, tero, Politie, Trupe, jandarmi, Politia, sri, brigada