Introducing the Kessil A360X
Kessil Lighting is proud to announce the A360X Tuna Blue, A360X Tuna Sun, and the Spectral Controller X. The A360X leverages the technology of Kessil's award-winning pendant lights and makes it even better by achieving a higher Photon Volume Density (PVD), adding more individual colors, featuring a smarter communication method, improving transition points, and having light shaping capability. • Like its predecessor, the A360X is a 90 watts pendant fixture with Tuna Blue model for saltwater and Tuna Sun model for freshwater aquariums. Thanks to the redesigned, first-class sunflower heat sink and high efficiency vortex fan, the A360X has 25% more light output with 30% less in volume size, equivalent to almost 80% higher PVD than the A360. The new design enables streamlined vortex airflow to dissipate heat more efficiently, and prevent accumulation of dust, which means longevity and reliability. • This state-of-the-art fixture also features the latest and most efficient patented Dense Matrix LED technology from Kessil’s parent company DiCon Fiberoptics, Inc., while adding more individual color control, so users can have unlimited color combinations for aesthetics while maintaining the performance of the core spectrum. • The A360X also features a smart communication method called K-Link, which keeps the plug play feature of 0-10V while allowing more control to users. With the new Spectral Controller X or the future WiFi Dongle, users can easily network multiple A360X and set individual groups to run their own unique programs, allowing unlimited programming possibilities. • It can also be used with optical accessories to shape light, allowing users to modify the look of the aquarium to their liking. • The A360X will be available for purchase in November. • • / kessiltube • / kessil.led • / kessil • / kessilled