>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=zipOmvYFdK0
Scene din spectacolul Cantece si dansuri din Japonia si Romania , sustinut la Ateneul Roman in data de 11/11/2015. • Itohisa Wakayagi danseaza in stitul traditional wakayagi, iar • soprana Akiko Hayakawa ne incanta si ne emotioneaza cu vocea ei cristalina. • Scenes from the spectacle Songs and dances from Japan and Romania , held at the Athenaeum on 11/11/2015. • Itohisa Wakayagi is dancing in wakayagi style and • soprano Akiko Hayakawa enchant us and touches us with her crystalline voice. • • Help Support My Channel : https://www.tipeeestream.com/japomani... • https://www.paypal.me/japomania • FaceBook: / japomania • Instagram: / japomaniana • Snapchat: Japomaniana • • If you want to support me, so that I can bring more episodes, you can, if you want, stop addblock for this channel. This way, if things go well, I'd have more free time for you guys and more episodes, yeey! ^_^. But thank you sooo much anyway!