Meditation Silence Internal Dialogue • Hemi Sync • Mind Food • quotResonant Tuningquot
Hemi-Sync • Developed by The Monroe Institute • Mind Food • Resonant Tuning • excellent preparation for entering meditative states • features Hemi-Sync sound technologies to balance and focus the brain • ~Listen with stereo headphones~ • do not listen to while driving • Resonant Tuning combines a vocal/breathing exercise and Hemi-Sync to reduce your internal dialogue. This time-proven exercise may be used in preparation for entering meditative states or simply to quiet an overactive mind. It also promotes an accelerated gathering of your subtle life force energies. Enjoy a heightened sense of these energies as they become revitalized with Resonant Tuning and benefit from their healthful influences on both mind and body. • Hemi-Sync is a patented, scientifically and clinically proven audio-guidance technology developed by The Monroe Institute and refined with over 40 years of research. Researchers learned that specific sound patterns could lead the brain to various states of consciousness ranging from deep relaxation or sleep to expanded awareness and other extraordinary states. • The audio-guidance process works by sending different sounds (tones) to each ear with stereo headphones. The two hemispheres of the brain then act in unison to hear a third signal - the difference between the two tones. This is not an actual sound, but an electrical signal that can only be perceived within the brain by both brain hemispheres working together. The result is a focused, whole-brain state known as hemispherical synchronization or Hemi-Sync. Different Hemi-Sync signals are used to facilitate deep relaxation, focused attention, or other desired states. • Music, verbal guidance, or special sound effects are combined with Hemi-Sync signals to strengthen their effectiveness. These recordings do not contain subliminal messages. You are always in control. • • !!If you like Shamanic Rock please check out my new album!! • YouTube: • • Coren Smith - Divine Will - Full al... • Spotify: • • Deezer: • • Apple Music: • / divine-will • Amazon Music: • • Thanks for groovin!