Argylle — Official Trailer Apple TV
1943, the Great Patriotic War, territory of Belarus. The 16-year-old boy Flera, having dug out a carbine among scraps of barbed wire, rusty machine-gun belts and shot-through helmets, goes into the forest to join the ranks of the partisans. • This film, like no other, shows the tragedy of a child on a battlefield. At the beginning of the picture Flera is just a teenager. But In the end, having gone through horror and fear, child becomes an adult, frighteningly adult - his face is distorted by senile wrinkles, and there is no room for love in his soul... • IMDb rating: 8,4 • Year of production: 1985 • Director: Klimov Elem • Writers: Alexander Adamovich, Elem Klimov • Composer: Yanchenko Oleg • Operator: Rodionov Alexey • Production designer: Petrov Victor • Cast: Laucevičius Lubomiras, Berda Alexander, Kravchenko Alexey, Mironova Olga, Bagdonas Vladas, Lumiste Juri, Lorenz Victor, Rabetsky Kazimir, Tilicheev Evgeny, Vasiliev Victor, Domrachev Vasily • #WarMovie #PartisanWar #WW2 #ComeAndSee #FullMoviesWithEngSubs