Pulsar Thermion XM38 and XP50 Overview
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Pulsar Thermion XM38 and Thermion XP50 review by @A.Amantine. • Pulsar Thermion XP50 ► http://bit.ly/ThermionatUNV • Pulsar Thermion XM38 ► http://bit.ly/ThermionXM38atUNV • ► SUBSCRIBE to A.Amantine: http://bit.ly/Sub2TxKiller • ► SUBSCRIBE to UNV: http://bit.ly/Subscribe2UltimateNV • PLAYLISTS • ► Our Most Popular Videos: http://bit.ly/UNVMostPopularVideos • ► Our Latest Videos: http://bit.ly/UNVLatestVideos • ► Top Coyote Hunting Videos: http://bit.ly/TopCoyoteHuntVids • ► Top Hog Hunting Videos: http://bit.ly/TopHogHuntVids • VISIT US AT OUR WEBSITE • ► http://bit.ly/UltimateNightVision • CONNECT WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA • ► Facebook: http://it.ly/FacebookUltimateNV • ► Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramUltimateNV • ► Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterUltimateNV • ABOUT US • Ultimate Night Vision is an industry leader in night vision, thermal imaging and digital NV devices. Night vision is not just a profession for us, it is our passion. Here in Texas, we are fortunate enough to be able to use NV and thermal scopes for hog hunting, coyote hunting, and hunting other predators and varmints at night. The firsthand knowledge gained through hunting with NVD's on a regular basis allows us to provide accurate and relevant information to our customers. • We carry a wide variety of optics from all major manufacturers including Trijicon, Pulsar, Flir, Armasight, L3, Harris and more. We strive to provide unbiased information to aid customers in the decision-making process. • We also have a nationwide rental program which gives customers the unique opportunity to test and compare various devices under real-world conditions before committing to a large purchase. • Our channel features product reviews, instructional videos, comparisons, and plenty of actual hunting footage. • #pulsarthermion #thermalscope #review