The best way to remove thorns from Prickly pear cactus
The best way to remove thorns from Prickly pear cactus • Prickly pear cactus—also known as Opuntia, nopales, nopal, or paddle cactus—is nutritious, but no powerhouse. The pads contain some potassium, plus a little calcium, iron, vitamin C, and beta carotene, as well as some other potentially beneficial compounds. In its natural state the cactus has sharp thorns, and you must wear heavy gloves to remove them. The pads you see in specialty stores have often been de-thorned. They also have hair-like spines that have to be removed. Once cleaned and trimmed, the pads are good raw in salads, stir-fried, or boiled. They taste something like green beans, and have an okra-like texture. • The cactus bears an edible fruit with a hairy skin that must be peeled. The fruit, which tastes a bit like melon or strawberries, is also made into pancake syrup and candy. • All kinds of powers are ascribed to prickly pear cactus, from curing hangovers to regulating body weight and alleviating diabetes. You can buy it in capsules or as a gel. Preliminary research suggests that substances in prickly pear may help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. But so far there’s no convincing evidence that the plant (or supplements made from it) is effective as a medical treatment. If you take drugs for diabetes, there’s concern that the supplements may produce unwanted interactions. • how to cook prickly pear cactus... • how to clean prickly pear fruit... • how to remove prickly pear spines from hands.. • prickly pear cactus needles poisonous_.. • how to despine prickly pear fruit ... • how to remove glochids from prickly pear .. .. • how to remove prickly pear thorns .. • prickly pear spines in mouth .. ... • __ • THANKS FOR WATCHING! SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE FOR MORE VIDEOS!❤❤❤👍 • God bless you • • / 1ridha • / ridha