Kubotans amp Yawaras
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=zlw9Mo4g5Ak
Kubotan DVD Link: http://www.sammyfranco.com/p/kubotan.... • The Kubotan is a close-quarter self defense tool that can save your life when the chips are down! Don't let the size of this 6 mini stick fool you! When used properly, the small and compact kubotan is a fistfull of dynamite that will enable you to immediately drop any size thug to his knees. • Kubotans and yawaras are regularly used by police officers, security guards, bouncers, doormen and men and women of all ages. The unfortunate fact is most people who carry a kubotan or yawara stick have no idea how to use it correctly. This is because there is virtually no information available on this fantastic weapon. But now, for the first time, there is a professional dvd specifically devoted to using the Kubotan and Yawara stick in real world self defense situations. • ============================= • ⚠️ IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: • Educational Intent: The techniques shown in this video are for educational purposes as part of a professional self-defense curriculum. This content is intended for responsible adults with an interest in learning reality-based self-defense under professional guidance. • No Promotion of Violence: We do not promote or endorse violence. The self-defense scenarios depicted are simulations intended for skill development and personal safety training only. • Safety First: Always prioritize your safety and well-being. If in doubt, consult a self-defense expert to ensure you are practicing safely and correctly. • Professional Guidance Recommended: We strongly advise that these techniques be practiced in a controlled environment under the supervision of a certified self-defense instructor. Attempting any of the maneuvers shown without professional oversight can be dangerous. • Liability Waiver: The creator, publisher, and distributor of this video disclaim any liability for personal injury, property damage, or other losses associated with the use of techniques shown. Viewers assume all risks related to practicing the demonstrated skills. • Legal and Ethical Considerations: When applying self-defense techniques in real-world situations, always ensure your actions are legally and morally justified. Self-defense should only be used as a last resort when in imminent danger, and within the bounds of reasonable force. We strongly advise understanding the specific self-defense laws in your area and consulting with legal experts.