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📖 Order your copy of Mrs Crocombe’s cookery book here: 📖 • Lord and Lady Braybrooke are hosting guests for dinner. They've asked Mrs Crocombe to serve turbot - the most prestigious fish and a popular dish, particularly amongst royalty and aristocratic families. • Plan a visit to Mrs Crocombe’s kitchen: • INGREDIENTS • A whole turbot • 1 lemon • Salt • 1 lobster with roe • 50g butter • 250ml velouté sauce or melted butter sauce • Cayenne pepper • Parsley (to garnish) • METHOD • Prepare the turbot. If not already done so by the fishmonger, gut and ensure it is washed thoroughly before being wiped dry. Then, trim off the fins with a pair of scissors, rub the fish all over with half of a sliced lemon, and place it in a turbot kettle (or large pan). • To cook the fish, place the pan on the stove before adding fresh water and a handful of salt. Leave on the heat for 25 minutes. Remember that the fish will continue to cook a little longer once you've removed it from the water. • To make the sauce, dice up the lobster and pound the roe. Put these ingredients in a pan, and add the butter, lemon juice, a pinch of cayenne pepper and the velouté sauce (or melted butter). Mix well with a wooden spoon. Once mixed, put the mixture through a sieve until it's smooth. Heat it up just prior to serving. • For best results, once cooked the fish should be served straight away on a hot plate. Parsley can be used as an optional garnish. • SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: • FIND A PLACE TO VISIT: • LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: • FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: • FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: