Best Team for Yellow Remastered
Dang I really need to stop having trade evolutions on best teams or else I am going to have to do this every time I mess up on a best team but alas it is what it is. Hey guys, welcome back to another kanto remastered best team this time back in generation 1 with Pokemon Yellow. And yes, I did just do Pokemon Red and Blue remastered a little while back but I wanted to get this out of the way so we could hurry and get out of Kanto. But yeah, Pokemon Yellow Best Team I made some mess ups with some trade evolutions and a few other team members that I went and replaced. Pokemon Red and Blue are similar though, so if you guys see any similar Pokemon on there from Pokemon Red and Blue don't be surprised. Rather than me just explain it though, let us show you instead. Here to help me with this remastered best team is HoopsandHiphop sup dude! • Video we did on Hoops's Channel: • Who is ACTUALLY the Best Pokémon Trai... • Latest MysticSage Video: • Why You Should Watch Demon Slayer • Pick up Your Shepherd's Delight, Family Eeveelution, and Which One? Starter Shirts Here: • • Follow me on Twitch: / mysticumbreon • Check out our community discord: or this one if the first one doesn't work / discord • Follow me on Instagram: mysticumbreon_ • Follow me on Twitter: / mysticumbreon94 • Support me on Patreon: / mysticumbreon • Patrons who have donated: JDinis, Aanvik, The4thgengamer, Coolindude, Jasmin Skoplijak, Tyree Awantaye, Savannah (my secretary), Poketuber, The Sith'ari, Kepheus, ChikoritaCheezits, SpikeSP, Flyjubilee, JesseTheRuby, Frostfang5412, Daniel Leon, and Diane Wierzbicki, and Lady Krimzen, Derpy Poster, Dylan Clough, and Miguel Poissant. Pub Sparky Wynx, Gasnort, Pal491, Ryan Turk, Lightningwolf4r, TheLazyLeo, AwesomeLego, Sodden Grider, AkAjmc