Border Collie Territorial Aggression
About this video: Liam is a 3 year old male Border Collie. His primary behavioral concern is reactivity to people and dogs on walks. • For some dogs, the most critical aspects of the training process revolves around engaging the dog in exercises that will build confidence and enthusiasm for learning. This was the case with Liam. First step, was to get Liam on a healthy eating schedule. Then we began pairing high value training food with activities that were inherently reinforcing, like exploration or playtime. This helped Liam to see training as a desirable activity. • Once we had achieved an adequate level of motivation and engagement we were able to push criteria with real life distractions. If a dog has a low threshold to the presence of people or dogs, it’s a great idea to begin this aspect of their training in a controlled set up that allows for short durations of exposure, and to decrease or increase distance depending on the dog’s body language and behavioral responses. I am reinforcing Liam for acknowledging that people are present. When Liam calmly looks at the people walking by I use a verbal marker, “good” and reinforce with high value food. At the beginning I prompt Liam to look back in my direction by showing him the food, towards the end of this session it isn’t necessary to prompt him to check back in - he begins offering this behavior of his own accord. • If at any point he seemed to be approaching or crossing over his threshold, for instance, fixating, lunging, barking or stress whining, I would create more space or remove him from the environment. In the early stages of training it is important to choose training environments that allow you the freedom to create more space whenever your dog appears to be struggling. • • **This video features a patterned exercise from Leslie McDevitt's book, Control Unleashed - the exercise is called Look at That! • If you enjoy these videos and want to ensure more videos are produced you can contribute on ko-fi. Contribute here: • If you find this video helpful you might also like - • How to Create a Healthy Feeding Schedule: • How to Create a Healthy Feeding Routi... • Anxious and Reactive Behavior with an Australian Shepherd: • Doberman Pinscher: Leash Training • If you want more structured training, take a look at my online classes: • Believe in the training process, be consistent and you will see positive change. • Alyssa Rose