Salman Khan on Aamir Khans Delhi Belly at the Premiere Of Chillar Party
Salman Khan attended the premiere of his film 'Chillar Party' with many other Bollywood stars. He spoke about the film, making it tax free and Aamir Khan's '...
Salman, Khan, Being, Human, Gulshan, Grover, Kangna, Ranaut, Imtiaz, Ali, Neetu, Chandra, Chillar, Party, Aamir, Delhi, Belly, Irrfan, Sanath, Menon, Rohan, Naman, Jain, Aarav, Khanna, Vishesh, Tiwari, Chinmai, Chandranshuh, Vedant, Desai, Divji, Handa, Sherya, Sharma, Ranbir, Kapoor, Latest, entertainment, Hindi, film, News, movie, films, cinema, Box, office, Hit, Flop, feature, hindi, latest, box, Parties, Events, Features