Roppongi Area Adventure Midtown to Hills
Welcome to central Tokyo's shopping, embassy and entertainment are ー Roppongi (六本木) this area has changed a lot since I first came here in 1998. • This time, we'll walk from Tokyo Midtown to the Roppongi central intersection then from Japan's first Hard Rock Cafe to Roppongi Hills. • Of course I'll grab another's beer at the Belgian Beer festival where I'll burn my finger of hot French fries and spill the mayonnaise all over the table. • Where is Roppongi? • • SUPER CHATS (Thank you!) • ★ cloverful18 • will you live stream again later for the beer fest • ★ blinktv909 • Can you do a video on going to the gundam cafe? • ★ Nosh Abroad • Lets get a good look at the spider! (4g donation) • ★ Crmsnraider • Hehe, good memories. OH-