Megalosauridae Tribute Red Flag
What Up everyone and i have another video to a very special tribute and is to a Dinosaur Genus and is the Megalosauridae a little back ground on this genus of Theropod Carnivores Megalosauridae is a monophyletic family of carnivorous theropod dinosaurs within the group Megalosauroidea. Appearing in the Middle Jurassic, megalosaurids were among the first major radiation of large theropod dinosaurs this project was something i thought why not because of the genus name sake Megalosaurus and one last thing there was no Spinosauridea because this was more to the ones who are apart of the Megalosauridae and Others who split from the Genus Like Torvosaurus and Eustreptospondylus so yeah that is the reasson i hope you all enjoy my video and remember to like and sub for more • Members Used in This: Megalosaurus,Torvosaurus,Eustreptospondylus,Afrovenator • Song: Red Flag by Billy Talent • Scenes: Walking with Dinosaurs,Dinosaur Britain,Dinosaur Revolution,Dinosaur King. • Inspiration: • Megalosauridae Tribute - My Demons • • Tribute Megalosauridae Riot • • Ceratosaurians Megalosaurids - Fig... • • Tribute to Megalosauria - Monster • • Tribute to Megalosaurus • I Own Nothing This Video Everything is owned by the Right full Owners and this is for entertainment purposes only and is non profit and is fair use • Toon Out