Using React to record JSON videos
This is a demo of the Atom-React framework that we have been building at for the last 6 months, against the real production app that you have seen here. • Code source here: • Simply managing all your state outside of React, and always re-rendering from the top can leverage things like state sourcing and enables features like undo/redo and JSON state video records that can be replayed against a React component. • This is just the beginning. • Imagine how nice it would be to be able to: • stream that video in real time for browser assistance or synchronization • UX monitoring (or user spying) • sending the video to the backend/developers for debugging incorrect React renderings... • building a time-traveling debugger • • This works out of the box, on a production app, not a simple TodoMVC demo :) Actually I was quite surprised that it worked so easily when I coded the 50 lines of code in the framework. It didn't even required adapting our application. Animations are working too, as they are triggered by state transitions. • However, some limitations are due to mutations that are not tracked in the global state of our app. This may happen for: • Integration with external libraries that manipulates the DOM directly • Tracking scroll position and things like that • • Thanks to the teams behind React, Om and ELM for the inspiration :)