Communication on Medications Effects HCAHPS Scores and Patient Safety
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • How we communicate with our patients on medications is important not only to our patient experience score on the H-CAPS survey, but it's important to patient safety. • The two questions the H-CAP survey asks with regards to communicating on medications is, How often did the hospital staff explain the purpose of the medication? and How often did the hospital staff explain the side effects in a way that the patient could understand? • And recent surveys show that there is a big disconnect between the education happening and what our patients are learning. A survey of patients at discharge showed that when they went home, a third of the patients did not know the purpose of their medications. And 86% of them did not know the side effects of their medications. That is a problem. • So how do we tackle it? It's with patient education. • And the main process we need to have in patient education is when we administer those medications. A good key idea is just to slow down. Take the time to where if the patient has a question, they have time to ask it and you have time to answer it. It's such a quick process delivering those medications, trying to get through them. What we need to do is take time when we have that moment with them, to make sure that they understand. • To make sure our patients are well educated on their medication, we need a process, a process that is used for every patient, every time. This process consists of four main pieces. The name of the medication, the dosage, the purpose of the medication, and any side effects that go along with that medication. And these are things that can seem extremely repetitive to staff members. When we walk into a patient's room and you give three medications, it seems incredibly repetitive to say the name, dosage, purpose, and side effects of each medication, but that's what has to happen. Because the question doesn't say, Did the staff member every once in a while give those key points for medication? It's how often, and the answer we want is always for every patient, every time. The staff members need to say the name, dosage, purpose, and side effects. In fact, if your patients by the end of their stay can repeat it back to the caregiver, you can be sure that on their survey they're going to circle always. • In our next video we'll be talking about pain management and how we can actively engage the patient and their family in this process.