Benefits of Honey Locust
Video Source:
PFTTOT Part 168 Edibility and Medicinal Benefits of Honey Locustwww.preparingforthetimeoftrouble.comPreparing for the Time of Trouble
Honwy Locust, Thorn Locust, pea family, seeds, fresh seedpods, carob, honey, pods, recipe, baking, smoothies, energy balls, energy bars, anesthetic, antiseptic, anti-cancer, digestive, upper respiratory, sore throat, cough, cold, infusion, bark, roots, tea, smallpox, measles, indigestion, whooping cough, cancer cell proliferation, flavonoid, constituents, cytotoxic, antioxident, anti-mutagenic, rheumatoid arthritis, liver, colon, larynx, breat, cervix, boactive, antiinflammatory, antitumor, prostate, gastric, extract