How to get rid of Aphids on chilli plants
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How to get rid of Aphids on chilli plants. See More @Ulinks . Aphids cause damage to the plants in several ways. First and foremost, they weaken the plants by sucking the plant’s sap. Sap, a sugary solution that is passed around the plant, is the plant’s food, and any loss will reduce growth. • Secondly, aphids must suck up large quantities of sap to extract the protein, which is present in only small concentrations, that they need. The excess sap, a sticky, sugary solution call “honeydew”, is excreted from the aphids and falls on the leaves and fruit. This causes problems for the plants in two ways: • 1. The honeydew is sticky, and when it covers the leaves they collect dust. • 2. The honeydew is very sweet which attracts sooty mould growth, making the leaves turn black. • Aphids congregate within the young leaves in the growing tips of peppers and on the underside of the mature leaves. This means they are well hidden, and go unnoticed when infestations are at an early stage. However, there are certain tell-tale signs that indicate their presence: • 1. Distorted leaves emerging from the growing point. • 2. Scattering of white skin casings under the plant. • 3. Ants actively running over the plant. • 4. Sticky leaves. • 5. Leaves turn black from sooty mould. • How to control apids • An aphid infestation must never be ignored. Aphids can be controlled quite easily, but it is an active process, they will not go away by “forgetting” they are there. • There are three basic approaches to aphid control available to a home chilli grower: • 1. Biological control • 2. Water • 3. Pesticides • Using water to control aphids • Prevention is always better than cure, and the predator option is undoubtedly the best method of aphid control. However, if an infestation does occur it means there has been an imbalance between predator and aphid populations, and a more proactive control method is necessary. In other words, once an infestation has become established, whether it is on a single plant in the house or in a large commercial greenhouse, it will not clear up on its own, to save the plant(s) an intervention is necessary. • Pesticides control of aphids • Pesticides are substances or a concoction of substances that kill pests. They can be either natural or synthetic and they work in different ways; some are potent poisons, others cause death through a physical process. Some have very specific target pests, others are generalists and an application will have a universal kill. All should be used carefully and with a full understanding of how to use the pesticide and the objective of the application.