Who do Heel Elevated Squats
Video Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtFJS_Bi39U
🔥The Heel Elevated Squat🔥 • What does elevating the heels do? • Elevating the heels allows us to keep a more upright torso which takes a lot of the stretch off the glutes and puts it on the quads forcing the quads to be the prime mover in extending the knees and hips✅ • It’s a great exercise to put more focus on the quads without having access to quad focused machines and build the tear drop muscle (VMO)✅ • Give it a try with just your bodyweight then progress to different loaded variations to maximize your results✅ • My workout programs ➡️ Tap the link in my bio • #legday #quads #bodybuilding #lowerbodyworkout