Exploring the Birdlife in the Cloud Forests Birds of Costa Rica

############################# Video Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGGmYyWRk2E

Welcome to Birds of Costa Rica | Exploring the Birdlife in the Cloud Forests ! Join me on an enchanting adventure as we delve into the captivating world of Costa Rica's cloud forests. Immerse yourself in the melodic harmony of the avian orchestra that thrives within these mist-covered realms. • From the elusive Quetzals and colorful Motmots to the graceful Bellbirds and iridescent Hummingbirds, this series unveils a mesmerizing spectacle for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Discover the hidden treasures of the cloud forests as we encounter a diverse range of bird species, including Flycatchers, Tanagers, and Woodpeckers. • During my 8-day itinerary, I visited 15 eBird hotspots and observed a total of 229 bird species. This video showcases 171 of them, and I hope you thoroughly enjoy the experience. • Day 1: • Rufous Motmot • Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer • Cinnamon Woodpecker • White-necked Jacobin • Squirrel Cuckoo • Snowcap • Bay-headed Tanager • Chestnut-headed Oropendola • Blue-chested Hummingbird • White-browed Gnatcatcher • Variable Seedeater • Purple-crowned Fairy • Emerald Tanager • Tropical Pewee (Northern) • Great Potoo • Rufous-tailed Jacamar • Day 2: • Red-lored/Diademed Amazon • Brown-hooded Parrot • Black-cheeked Woodpecker • Keel-billed Toucan • Collared/Stripe-billed/Pale-mandibled Aracari • Red-legged Honeycreeper • Great Kiskadee • Yellow-throated Toucan • Palm Tanager • Cocoa Woodcreeper • Great Curassow • Blue-grey Tanager • Yellow-throated Euphonia • Slaty-tailed Trogon • Cinnamon-bellied Saltator • Scaly-breasted Hummingbird • Social Flycatcher • King Vulture • Black Vulture • Olive-throated Parakeet • Red-capped Manakin • Chestnut-colored Woodpecker • Roadside Hawk • Black-crowned Tityra • Black-cowled Oriole • Montezuma Oropendola • Day 3: • Great Green Macaw • royal flycatcher sp. • Golden-hooded Tanager • Green-and-rufous Kingfisher • Short-billed Pigeon • Red-breasted Blackbird • Crested Caracara • Striped Cuckoo • Dusky-capped Flycatcher • Rufous-tailed Hummingbird • Grey Hawk • Grey-headed Chachalaca • Blue-vented Hummingbird • Violet-headed Hummingbird • Masked Tityra • Day4: • Broad-billed Motmot • Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher • Brown Violetear • Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer • Stripe-throated Hermit • Rufous Mourner • Carmiol's/Olive Tanager • White-crowned Parrot • Alder Flycatcher • Green Hermit • Scarlet-thighed Dacnis • Dull-mantled Antbird • Thicket Antpitta • Spotted Antbird • Buff-rumped Warbler • Eastern Meadowlark • Hoffmann's Woodpecker • Red-billed Pigeon • Emerald/Blue-throated/Wagler's/Violet-throated Toucanet • Yellow-faced Grassquit • Red-faced Spinetail • Day5: • Grey-crowned Yellowthroat • Common Bush Tanager • Western Wood Pewee • White-eared Ground Sparrow • Band-tailed Pigeon • Golden-olive Woodpecker/Bronze-winged Woodpecker • Swallow-tailed Kite • Streak-headed Woodcreeper • Three-wattled Bellbird • Cabanis's Wren • Rufous-collared Sparrow • White-naped Brushfinch • Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush • Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush • Collared Trogon (Orange-bellied) • Plain Antvireo • Rufous-and-white Wren • Violet Sabrewing • Green-crowned Brilliant • Stripe-tailed Hummingbird • Lesser Violetear • Purple-throated Mountaingem • Slate-throated Whitestart • Grey-breasted Wood Wren • Day6: • Mountain Elaenia • Yellowish Flycatcher • Spangle-cheeked Tanager • Resplendent Quetzal • Rufous-browed Peppershrike • Yellow-bellied Elaenia • White-throated Spadebill • Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant • Spotted Barbtail • Golden-browed Chlorophonia • White-throated/Dagua Thrush • Black-thighed Grosbeak • Black-eared Warbler • Northern Tufted Flycatcher • Streak-breasted Treehunter • Silvery-fronted Tapaculo • Collared Whitestart • Mountain Thrush • Prong-billed Barbet • Black Guan • Barred Becard • Day7: • Scarlet Macaw • Cinnamon Hummingbird • Rose-throated Becard • Veracruz/Sclater's/Rufous-backed Wren • Gartered Trogon • White-winged Dove • Streaked Flycatcher • Orange-collared Manakin • Chestnut-backed Antbird • Dot-winged Antwren • White-whiskered Puffbird • Turquoise-browed Motmot • Black-and-white Owl • Ferruginous Pygmy Owl • Mangrove Swallow • Ringed Kingfisher • Grey-breasted Martin • Yellow-crowned Night Heron • Bare-throated Tiger Heron • Muscovy Duck • Common Black Hawk • Southern Lapwing • Common Ground Dove • Collared Plover • Tricolored Heron • Double-striped Thick-knee • Roseate Spoonbill • Magnificent Frigatebird • Royal Tern • Sandwich Tern • Wood Stork • Neotropic Cormorant • Yellow-headed Caracara • Bat Falcon • Pauraque • Spectacled Owl • Day8: • Grey-headed Tanager • Bicolored Antbird • Black-hooded Antshrike • Black-headed Trogon • Blue-black Grosbeak • Ruddy Quail-Dove • Orange-billed Sparrow • Plain Xenops • Common Tody-Flycatcher • Grey-chested Dove • Trilling Gnatwren • Black-hooded Antshrike • 00:00 - Day 1 • 05:21 - Day 2 • 15:47 - Day 3 • 19:17 - Day 4 • 22:44 - Day 5 • 26:16 - Day 6 • 31:01 - Day 7 • 37:01 - Day 8


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