Funny guy in Paris Tagh LExplorateur
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Artiste de rue - Tagh L'Explorateur funny man on the streets of Paris (Cathédrale Notre-Dame, France 2013)
Notre, Dame, de, Paris, Live, Reality, Television, Entertainment, FRANCE, FRENCH, ACTOR, Hollywood, Actress, Famous, Show, Stars, cathédrale, 2013, people, funny, man, public, artist, laughter, picture, Joke, Humor, Laugh, Comedy, Jokes, Humour (Literary Genre), audience, doctor, house, guy, play, talent, imitating, nddp, rue, Prank, Laughs, Laughing, drôle, drole, fan, fans, artiste, women, tourists, photo, street, tourist, ludo, travel, performers, Idol, Paryż, Laurie, amazing, Tagh L'Explorateur, L'Explorateur, Tad, Artiste, Artiste de rue, TAGH